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Pride Month 2023: Recognizing the Significance of Diversity in the Workplace

SG Analytics Blog Pride Month 2023
Published on Jun 19, 2023

The most colorful month of the year, June, is celebrated as Pride Month in the US and many other countries worldwide. Many companies have started celebrating Pride Month in their workplace.

Pride is all about embracing diversity and fostering an environment of acceptance, love, and equality. The visual elements, including rainbows and parades, however, are not the crux of what Pride Month implies. It is a commemoration of the groundbreaking Stonewall Riots from 1969 - a massive turning point in the fight to secure the rights of the LGBTQIA community in the United States. This gradually extended beyond the US and flared the LGBTQ+ movement across the globe.

Workplaces play a critical role in promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion and rights. They are taking actionable steps to celebrate Pride in a meaningful way. Pride Month is when all come together and honor the LGBTQ+ community, their history, struggles, as well as their achievements.

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The Significance of Pride and DE&I

June is Pride Month when the LGBTQIA communities come together and celebrate the freedom to live openly and authentically. An opportunity to break down barriers and to exist in full inclusion. The events in history have been the catalyst for change, leading to the shaping of numerous gay rights organizations and marking a new era.

The global communities are making significant headway on LGBTQ+ rights. However, the fight for equity is far from over. Many communities still have to face daily prejudice based on their sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender identity, disability, or religion.

Organizations are incorporating new policies and measures to implement diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) practices in the workplace. A key part of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) strategies is to ensure and create an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ employees in the workplace. With positive steps, organizations can reflect a modern world within their workforce and play and crucial part in raising awareness regarding significant issues more widely.

At SG Analytics, it is part of our core values to treat our employees with respect and integrity and foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace for all. We not only believe in cultivating such an environment but also strive to establish a clear business case for it. As per the reports presented by McKinsey & Company, diverse organizations are more profitable and highly likely to outperform less diverse organizations. Embracing DE&I also enables us to help our employees feel safe and respected. This sense of community and general well-being further helps in increasing productivity.

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LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace

In recent years, organizations have started incorporating significant changes regarding LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion in their workplaces. Businesses of all sizes and across different sectors are fostering spaces where employees feel they belong. Common types of spaces for LGBTQIA+ employees within an organization include-

  • Mentoring programs
  • Employee resource and action groups
  • Safe space initiatives
  • Inclusion/DEI councils

Many countries are making significant strides towards equality. A Deloitte survey in 2022 highlighted that 95% of LGBT+ employees believe that LGBT+ inclusion actions, efforts, and initiatives introduced by their employers have shown meaningful support and positive impact, especially allies programs and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

While there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to cultivate an even safer space for LGBTQIA+ individuals, there still must face bias, lack of representation, and unequal benefits. And this is where industry leaders and employers can make a difference.

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Constructing an LGBTQ-Inclusive Workplace for All

Many organizations are stepping up and introducing new policies - from adding gender identity and sexual orientation to their non-discrimination policies to providing same-sex couples the same benefits, rolling out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training, and setting up support groups for LGBTQ+ workers - that surpass the legal basics. Let’s explore some of these new measures.

Developing and communicating anti-discrimination policies: Organizations are developing and executing a clear anti-discrimination policy that should cover all aspects of employment, such as hiring, promotion, training, compensation, benefits, and termination. 

Anti-discrimination policies include:

  • Equal employment opportunities
  • Zero tolerance for harassment
  • Disability accommodation
  • Gender identity and expression
  • Complaint and reporting procedure
  • Retaliation prevention

The goal behind introducing anti-discrimination policies and practices is to not only comply with legal requirements but also foster a sense of inclusivity within the workplace to make everyone feel respected and valued.

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Providing LGBTQ+ inclusive benefits

All employees within an organization should be able to access their benefits packages, such as health insurance, relocation assistance, family leave, or retirement plans, etc. There has also been a growing discussion surrounding benefits for same-sex couples and transgender employees. These inclusive benefits not only show how much employers care and value their employees, but they also offer financial wellness to those facing higher healthcare and family planning costs. A smart move for the employees is to review their benefits packages regularly and ensure that they meet their needs.

Organizations are incorporating DEI awareness and sensitivity training as well as programs to debunk myths, address unconscious biases, and share the right terminologies for LGBTQ+ inclusion. Organizations are investing their energy and resources to introduce institutional policy changes within the workplace. They are also increasingly driving impact on their core DEI goals.


Encouraging and Practicing Allyship

Both at work and at large, allyship is the active support offered by individuals who are not part of the community but use their privilege to advocate for them. A report by Deloitte highlighted that 82% of LGBTQIA+ employees consider that an allyship helps them to be out at work. But does it mean to become an ally? While allyship takes many forms in the workplace, some of the examples of what and how allyship looks like are as follows.

  • Listening: Be available to listen and learn from the experiences of your colleagues and create a respectful space for their voices to be heard.
  • Speaking up: Use your privilege to challenge and speak up against discriminatory words or practices when you witness them. This involves reporting non-inclusive behaviors to HR (Human Resource).
  • Mentorship: Suggest mentoring individuals, providing them with guidance and support for professional development.
  • Amplification: Always make a conscious effort to amplify the voices of those who may often get overlooked or spoken over in discussions or even meetings.
  • Inclusive language: Use inclusive language and respect preferred names and pronouns.

Allyship is not a label but an ongoing process of committing to learning, listening, and standing up for others.

Read more: Ways to Integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to Enhance Skills-based Hiring

Support Starts with Us

Pride Month is a celebration of authentic inclusion.

There are diverse ways to celebrate Pride Month in the workplace, including Pride-themed events like workshops, panel discussions, or guest speakers who can offer insights into LGBTQ+ inclusion, rights, history, or individual experiences in the workplace.

Celebrating Pride in the workplace should not be a one-time event. Organizations should foster a culture of ongoing inclusion. Every employee, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, plays a significant role in making the workplace a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space. By bringing the spirit of Pride into the workplace, organizations can celebrate the true essence of Pride Month.

We at SG Analytics believe in and work towards fostering a work environment where every employee feels acknowledged and respected and is presented with equal opportunities to thrive.

With a presence in New York, San Francisco, Austin, Seattle, Toronto, London, Zurich, Pune, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, SG Analytics, a pioneer in Research and Analytics, offers tailor-made services to enterprises worldwide.      

A leader in Market research, SG Analytics enables organizations to achieve actionable insights into products, technology, customers, competition, and the marketplace to make insight-driven decisions. Contact us today if you are an enterprise looking to make critical data-driven decisions to prompt accelerated growth and breakthrough performance.
