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Hedge Fund Services

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Leveraging Hedge Fund Services to Generate Alpha

As a leading hedge fund service provider, SG Analytics provides comprehensive research support to hedge funds, active asset managers, alternative asset managers, independent money managers, mutual fund managers, and ETF (exchange-traded funds) managers across the globe.

Action-Oriented Hedge Fund Services

We deliver action-oriented research insights to facilitate high-quality decision-making that ultimately aids in alpha creation for portfolio managers. We leverage automation and technology across our hedge fund solutions and have proven capabilities in inducing efficiency by revamping traditional research processes. Our customized approach ensures complete alignment with the investment philosophy of our clients.

Hedge Fund Services and solutions

Hedge Fund Solutions

With alpha on our minds, we provide tailor-made investment screeners across asset classes by blending a wide range of parameters that best reflect our client's investment ethos.

  • Designing customized equity idea screeners as well as fixed income idea screeners to generate high-quality investment opportunities
  • Implementing top-down as well as bottom-up methodologies
  • Incorporating sector-specific flavors by using adjusted financial data, and infusing strategy-specific parameters to filter relevant ideas
  • Incorporating custom, thematic KPIs such as ESG parameters to reflect the client’s desired investment philosophy
  • Blending fundamental as well as technical KPIs to design an efficient screening process
  • Maintaining and updating idea screeners and identifying churn opportunities to maximize alpha

Our detailed financial valuation models across sectors adhere to our clients’ styles and come with various value-added features, such as automated data population and sensitivity analysis.

  • Preparing company-specific investment summary reports, including business description, business strategy, investment thesis, and SWOT analysis
  • Preparing detailed financial models along with driver-based financial forecasting
  • Conducting valuation exercises using different techniques such as DCF valuation, relative valuation, and sector-specific valuation
  • Conducting special analyses such as scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, etc.
  • Tracking key data on sectors and economies to generate top-down ideas
  • Conducting forensic analysis and analyzing the quality of reporting (based on IFRS, UK GAAP, and US GAAP principles) to identify divergence areas

Our effective support on compliance functions and performance reporting provides our clients with more time for alpha-focused activities.

  • Providing support on compliance reporting under various standards (e.g., GIPS)
  • Preparing sections of 13-F filings related to details on investment positions, quarterly performance, and reconciliation statements
  • Conducting macro as well as micro attribution analysis to gauge the quality of performance
  • Calculating alpha for various strategies and management styles based on respective benchmarks
  • Preparing performance dashboards with visualization for efficient and clear reporting

Complementing our fundamental research is our quantitative research team that provides solutions for trading strategy backtesting, regression analysis, index rebalancing, etc.

  • Pre-index rebalance analytics, monitoring, and tracking of index events, and post-index rebalance analytics
  • Create alpha and add value to current and new trading strategies
  • Create and backtest trading strategies and construct portfolios across multiple risk attributes
  • Develop and validate risk models covering credit risk, investment risk, and operational risk
  • Expertise across multiple data sources covering fundamental and estimates data, fund flows, global macro, pricing data, ownership, and ESG data

Leveraging our team of RPA and analytics specialists, hedge funds exploit alternative data (e.g., store densities for retailers) and unique information (e.g., e-channel checking on social media) using technology-enabled solutions with the focus to beat the street.

  • Portfolio tracker automation, including daily, weekly, monthly, and YTD stock performance
  • Setting automatic price movement and other alerts to identify churn opportunities
  • Tracking news and events across industries using automated tools developed in Python, Spyder, etc.
  • Preparing auto-updateable, standardized templates for investment memos
  • Building quick, automated financial models using a blend of auto-refreshable queries from databases


Comprehensive Support

End-to-end understanding of requirements of money managers from idea screening and coverage monitoring to compliance and performance dashboards

Deep Research

Providing global money managers with deep-dive qualitative & quantitative research and domain expertise to facilitate AUM-accretive investment decisions

Comprehensive Expertise

Expertise in conducting research on various asset classes equity, fixed income, etc., across multiple strategies market neutral, distressed debt, special situations, etc.


Expertise in deploying technology for trend identification and analysis e.g., e-channel checks, price monitors, social media monitoring, and to generate/validate investment ideas

Who We Work With


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Delivering actionable hedge funds research services to fund managers to aid alpha generation.