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Gain Actionable Insights With SGAs Healthcare Analytics Consulting

Healthcare Analytics Consulting
Published on Aug 02, 2021

Healthcare is expected to be one of the world’s fastest-growing sectors in the coming decade. Especially after a pandemic that made us realize the clear and massive difference between where healthcare is now and where it ought to be.    

That said, healthcare has also been the slowest sector to embrace digital transformation. Even though the healthcare sector makes use of cutting-edge technologies to diagnose and operate on patients, it has been the most reluctant to automate backend operations and enjoy the other benefits of becoming intelligent.    

As more, and varied industries, have left legacy systems for digital ones, many hospitals are still relying on paper, files, and actual tags to record information. Therefore, it is high time that healthcare adopts the accuracy and efficiency that comes with data analytics. It is high time the sector makes smarter decisions and automates paperwork and other tiresome administrative tasks by adopting healthcare analytics solutions, making lives simpler, happier, faster, and more efficient. 

The importance of healthcare analytics solutions  

Data analytics solutions have enormous potential, which is reflected in their rapidly rising value.    

Take Robotic Process Automation (RPA), for example. By the end of 2021, its value is estimated to be nearly $2 billion. But, according to estimates, its market will be worth $5 billion by the end of 2024. And more than $13 billion by 2029.    


Because RPA can rapidly transform and help scale organizations by making processes much more time- and cost-efficient.    

In healthcare, this is what the transformation would look like.   

1. Healthcare analytics puts people first 

Many hospitals still rely on paper for billing and claiming insurance, even though digital information is much easier to store, access, edit, and communicate.    

Think about the time healthcare professionals spend on documentation. And more so if the documents have errors or are fraudulent.   

Healthcare data analytics solutions will not eliminate errors or fraud. But digitizing documentation and processing it through rule-based algorithms may minimize inefficiencies and errors, saving professionals ample time to focus on what they most care about: patients.  

2. Healthcare analytics streamlines 

Instead of making calls for scheduling an appointment, process automation enables people to make appointments digitally. Yes, without moving an inch or uttering a syllable.     

Calendar app integrations, for example, allow people to look up a doctor’s calendar and make and cancel appointments accordingly. Integrations like these are also great for doctors who can look at their appointments in one glance and allocate their resources accordingly.     

3. Healthcare analytics encourages transparency 

When information becomes digital, it also becomes trackable.  Encoding data digitally allows healthcare professionals to track each step of every process, from managing claims to patient journeys.    

Done well, the powerful combination of data management and process automation can ensure that healthcare organizations are accountable, always meeting audit requirements, tracing a mistake to its source, and secure. Let’s not forget that excellent and traceable data also makes for accurate and reliable medical studies.  

Getting started with SGA’s healthcare analytics services 

Healthcare analytics solutions represent a win-win for both hospitals and patients.    

According to a California Association for Healthcare Quality (CAHQ) report, leveraging data and process automation to digitize records and automate and optimize administrative tasks can save the Healthcare Industry more than $13 billion.    

In fact, by being able to devote more time to patients, healthcare professionals report higher work fulfillment and satisfaction.    

In turn, patients feel more satisfied and cared for. Let’s not forget the enrichment in customer experience brought by the smoothness and efficiency of a digitally transformed organization.  

That said, not every healthcare organization can deploy them.   

Every organization has unique needs. And nobody understands this better than SG Analytics. Data analytics services at SGA entail extensive research and resource planning to identify data pipelines and the bottlenecks that obstruct them.  

We offer services that ensure that your data is collected, sorted, managed, and evaluated in a way that maximizes efficiency and value just for you. Unique goals demand unique solutions.
